Environmental Responsibility

At Banzi, we try to be good stewards of the environment. We use sustainably sourced, biodegradable balloons to create phenomenal decorations.
Sustainable: Did you know that balloons are made out of tree sap harvested from rubber trees. Much like tapping a maple tree for syrup, workers cut a shallow V-shaped groove in the bark for latex to drip into bowls that are collected regularly. Each tree can produce latex for 38 years. Our favorite brand, Sempertex, sources latex and creates balloons directly in Colombia, so hundreds of local workers can be employed harvesting sap and creating balloons rather than clear-cutting the forest for agriculture or industry.
Biodegradable: Our latex balloons biodegrade over time. If exposed to the elements, Qualatex brand says they biodegrade at the same rate as an oak leaf. While I can’t independently verify that, I can say that whenever I’ve tried to keep balloons from breaking down (like Christina’s wedding bouquet) they have biodegraded and photodegraded despite our best efforts.
Responsible: Even though balloons gradually biodegrade, it is still a horrible idea to release them into the environment. That is why we join the rest of the balloon community in rejecting balloon releases. Sending a balloon toward heaven seems like a great way to remember a loved one, but marine life can mistake balloon pieces for food, while ribbons can entangle wildlife. We encourage anyone remembering a loved one to plant a tree, sponsor a scholarship or give a gift in their memory rather than releasing balloons. We adamantly refuse to provide balloons for balloon releases and encourage customers to “pin it and bin it” once they’ve used their helium balloons.
Low waste: At the end of an event, balloons do create waste. There’s no denying that. We reuse our bases and structural elements, but foil balloons do not biodegrade, and we can only occasionally reuse them. Everyday life always involves environmental trade-offs. The great thing is that balloons have a lower waste footprint than just about any form of décor. All the popped pieces of a balloon garland can fit in a shoebox and even our largest balloon sculpture fit entirely in two trash bags after it was popped. When compared to plastic signs, foam sculptures, floral centerpieces or most other single-use décor items, balloon décor sends a lot less material to the landfill. Even a giant balloon sculpture at a conference generates far less waste than the next day’s box lunch.
At Banzi we strive to limit our environmental impact whenever possible, and try to be open and honest when we can’t. We hope that you’ll join us in taking good care of the planet we all share.
Brian Getz
Co-owner of Banzi Balloons